Walkers Party Hire In Hurstville

Our History of Party Hire In Hurstville

Walkers Party Hire in Hurstville started operations in the old Hurstville Municipality and still operates in the area under the new local Government of Georges River Council at our home base 7/707 Forest Rd Peakhurst.

Walkers commenced trading as AB Walkers Party Hire in 1960 at Narwee Hardware and after 58 years in business is still very close to its original location.

The size of our business has changed a great deal and the services we often today dwarf the size of the inaugural business.

So many families and businesses have used our services over the past 58 years we think most local people in our area could identify with Walkers Party Hire.

Over time, we have provided equipment to every suburb in the Hurstville area, particularly Peakhurst, Lugarno, Oatley, Narwee, Beverly Hills, Hurstville, Penshurst, Blakehurst, Kingsgrove, Bexley and South Hurstville.

Supporting Key Events In Hurstville

Keystone events in the area such as the Lugarno Lions Spring Festival at Gannons Park Peakhurst now running for over 30 years has been a regularly on Walkers Party Hire calendar as a must do event and sponsorship.

Over many years we have supplied equipment for Georges River Council for Australia Day celebrations at Oatley Park and Carss Park as well as Chinese New Year in Forest Rd Hurstville. We have also supplied marquees for the Mayoral Golf day at Hurstville golf course, located at Lorraine St Peakhurst.

Many backyards have been brightened up with our marquees for 21st and other aged birthday parties, engagement parties, weddings. Walkers Party Hire has become an identity in the area. From difficult backyards such as Moons Ave Lugarno where we used a barge to transport our marquee and flooring to a backyard where the only access was by water, to a straightforward tennis court in Isaac St Peakhurst.

Marquee Hire In Hurstville

Marquee designs and styles have changed, and we have continued to update our marquees for hire to keep up with modern design.

In the early years we used tents that relied on centre poles and car axle pegs and as the business matured we adopted more advanced methods of framed marquees and integrated flooring systems, something that young couples seek for their wedding.

We have often been involved with the Chinese New Year Festival in Forest Rd Hurstville, supplying stages, marquees, fete stalls, tables and chairs. Each year under our control it has run smoothly to a very tight and difficult program allowing roads to be opened and closed on time.

Over the past years we have supported many charities and schools in particular we have supported schools such as Peakhurst South Public school, Oatley West Public School, Oatley Public School and Peakhurst Public School. We have also supported the local RSLs of Mortdale, Penshurst and Oatley with discounted hire rates for their ANZAC ceremonies.

Walkers are very much local community conscious and will consider any worthy cause when asked, in the way of discounted hire. Never venturing far from our home in Peakhurst over the past 21 years we have progressed from a small factory in Lorraine St Peakhurst, to Boundary Rd, to Durkin Place and now on Forest Rd Peakhurst.

If you are planning an event, at home, at work, or for your business in the Hurstville area contact us first for free advice and assistance.